
Bringing Technology Transfer to life

Innovation CircleTM is a physical space where the different stakeholders of the innovation and technology transfer value chain can meet and work together, side by side, pooling resources, networks and skills aiming to enhance and boost the most promising Life Sciences startups.

The goal is to move away from the traditional technology transfer implementation and deliver a completely innovative approach, where all the players in the pre-competitive space can truly cooperate on selected projects thus optimizing resources and maximizing the efficiency of the whole value chain.

Within this space, with our partners we will organize regular themed meetings where specific entrepreneurial projects at a very early stage of development, coming from their international networks, will be discussed to define personalized development programs.

Initially, the meetings will cover 5 thematic areas:

Medical devices
Regenerative medicine
AI for Healthcare

Each partner will be able to submit its most promising projects fitting these thematic areas.
Within Innovation CircleTM, they will gather the best expertise and competencies required to optimize and boost projects development and technology transfer.


Bio4Dreams HQ

MIND – Milano Innovation District
Viale Decumano 41
Building Cocoon, Entrance 8
20157, Milan

Executive Partners

Research Partners